Thursday, October 14, 2010

chapter 16

I just put a serious dent in chapter 16 and I decided to stop at the lemon.  I don't think the soccer field is the best place to some up with it.  But, I will be home in a little bit and once the kiddos are in bed I hope to finish up the chapter and get it posted tonight.  That's the plan anyway... we will see what happens when I get there. 

I have quite a few other stories going right now as well.  I started and emo-ward story that has Bella leaving him.  I'm three chapters in and really like where it's heading.  I have long-lost love Ed/Bella story that's going well.  And then I have a dick-ward story that is totally different than anything I have ever written.    And those are ust the ones that I'm actively workng on. 

It is definitely helping me to keep motivated. 

Speaking of motivation...

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