Friday, July 30, 2010

ch 12 is up!

I finally finished chapter 12 tonight.  I really like and i hope everyone else does, too.  I will start ch 13 tomorrow night and hope to have it ready by next Wednesday.

I'm so happy to have that one done!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ch 12 is almost finished...

I am almost finished with chapter 12 and should be posting on Wednesday. 

Due to going on a cross-country road trip and my kids being on summer vacation I have been having a hard time getting in the correct mind-frame to write.  But my kids will be going back to school in 3 weeks so I should be able to really start focus on writing two stories at once. 

RoF is, unfortunately, taking longer to write than I had planned.  I make a little more progress every day.  But, it's just not flowing yet.  I know it will once I have more time to focus.

I want to apologize for all of the delays and thank everyone for being so patient.  So... in the meantime... here's some eye-candy....

I think Alexander/Eric looked especially hot in that blue sweater!  Yummy!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

ch 12...

Due to having such a blast with my family last night chapter 12 probably won't be up until next week.  I will continue to keep working on it and hopefully post it sometime this week... don't get your hopes up.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I am on an impromptu road-trip/vacation with my kids and my Mother-in-Law.  I have been able to get a quite a bit of Ch 12 done, but I'm struggling with some of the "juicier" parts.  Anyway... I hope to get it posted tomorrow, Thursday at the latest.  If I don't have it posted by then, it won't be posted until next Monday... The last half of this trip takes place in rural Indiana... where there's no internet near by... :o)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chapter 11 is finished!

Chapter 11 is finished and published! Yippee!

I have taken the links off of my FF'n page and am in the process of posting them here. 

Chapter 12 should  be more fun than the last and I am almost ready to start writing it!

so close...

I'm so close to finishing chapter 11 of MoH, but I can't stay focused.  It sucks!  I try to write something else and that isn't helping... it's just a little frustrating.  I need to get back at it... the part I'm trying to write is supposed to be fun... I hope it comes off that way!

Here's a little distraction...

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm almost done with chapter 11 of Man of Honor... although the lemons aren't coming easy... hehehehehe!  Once I finish up ch 11, I will continue working on The Rest of Forever

I have most of the first chapter of TRoF done and a pretty good outline for the next couple of chapters.  I'm pretty excited about it and am having a hard time staying focused on MoH... but I guess that's just how it goes. 

Alrighty... back to writing... ;0)

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So, now I have some great ideas for The Rest of Forever.  And I'm really liking my plot.  So, today since I'm stuck in bed I'm going to write.  I plan on alternating between TRoF and MoH and another I'm working on... when I'm feeling creative... like right now :0)... I can get a lot done and when it slow I go to the next one and then the next one and around we go... musical stories... Anyways...

Having a hurt back sucks... but I hope to get some writing done instead of cleaning! YAY! 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Phew!  I finally finished Chapter 10 of MoH.  Chapter 11 should be a cake walk compared to that... or so I hope.  I hope everyone enjoys it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

still working...

I've been making steady progress on chapter 10 of MoH.  I should finish tonight... I hope... This last weekend was absolutely crazy and I am happy to say that R/L should be returning to normal and I hope to be able to focus more on my writing... or that's the plan anyway...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

chapter 10

I'm still working on it.  The crazy thing is that I have been working on it off and on everyday for the last week and every time I feel like I make some progress I add something that makes more work for myself.  This chapter is difficult because I'm trying to cover two months in the chapter and I have to set up the flow of the week and each week has its' own "weirdness"... anyway... I know it's just an excuse, but it's just not coming any easier.  Maybe when Edward comes home it will come easier... maybe.

Friday, July 2, 2010

writing in the car...

Well,writing in the car was fun today.  I actually did a good bit of editing and once I started writing I ended up adding more content... more plot...  So, I'm still about two-thirds of the way done with chapter 10. But I added more than what I had planned. So, now I have more to write...  I definitely like the direction I'm heading and I think that you all will like what happens at the end of the chapter *winks and smiles*

This blog is a great vent for me and I'm glad I'm doing it.   I really hope to get this chapter done and get to some fun stuff!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Well, I'm still working on chapter 10 of MoH.  I made good progress yesterday,  but then I had to be a Mom for a little while.  But, tomorrow I will be in the car for 6 hours and I hope to get a whole lot more done.  I really want to get this chapter under my belt.  I hate that I'm having such a hard time focusing...