Friday, August 27, 2010

blah blah blah

I'm tired and frustrated and not much is making me smile right now... but this helps...

Monday, August 23, 2010

decisions, decisions...

I finished Chapter 14 of MoH last night and posted it at the butt-crack of dawn.  And in the process I made a decision.  My chapter will be shorter and I will update more consistently.  I feel like I'm really struggling to write longer chapters and get caught up in the word-count. 

So, I'm done with that... it only took me 14 chapters, but I figured it out...
In the meantime... I'm crawling in the hammock with this hottie and taking a nap!

Monday, August 16, 2010

such a nice day...

I fell like I should be writing, but I just can't bring myself to start.  It's been such a nice day today with the kids going back to school.  And now I am fighting the urge to nap and relax... I'm thining I'm just going to go with it!

I will be napping with this... I wish!  hehehe!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

chapter 13 is up!

Yeah, it only took me two weeks, but it's up.  I hope to update next week... hopefully, Monday or Tuesday... at the latest Wednesday.

I've had to start the The Rest of Forever over again.  I just didn't like how it was flowing or rather there wasn't any flow... so I'm trying again. 

I've had another story pop into my head, but I'm only writing it when I'm blocked or HAVE to get it out. I'm calling it "When a Tornado Meets a Volcano" or TMV.  So far, I have most of the first chapter done.  It's not a nice story at all.  Edward's a @$$h0l3 and Bella's a bit of a whirlwind herself.  It's gonna be pretty angsty and nasty... the lemons will not be sweet.  I think I'm goiong to bank the story until I have it completed and then post.  That's my plan anyway. 

My kids go back to school next week.  So, I hope to have more motivation and time to write.  Here's hoping...

Friday, August 6, 2010

blocked,easily distracted... and now I'm tired.

It seems like it's happening more and more and maybe it's because my kids are home for the summer and I just can't concentrate or get in the right frame of mind.  Maybe my meds aren't right and that's why I'm so easily flustered.  Maybe it's because I've fallen into this lazy trap and I can't seem to find my way out of it. 

Either way it just sucks and I am so frustrated right now I could scream... and boy do I want to scream! 

I'm steadily working, but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere... it's frustrating and it almost makes me want to stop until the kids go back to school in a week... ALMOST...

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I' so tired and so blocked.  And now my brain is flooded with ideas for a new story... and angsty, nasty, not so nice story... it's a bit different than anything else I've written. I guess that's why I like it. 

I think I a going to take a nap and see if that helps...

wish I was napping right here...