Wednesday, June 30, 2010

blocked,easily distracted... and now I'm tired.

MoH ch 10 is still under construction. I put another 1500 words into it and then it just stopped... I was distracted by last Sunday's episode of True Blood. Then I was distracted by the internet. And now... I'm just tired. I tried to write more, but it just wouldn't come.

I hope to get at least a third of it dome tomorrow. I guess what makes it difficult is trying so hard to stick to the outline and not skimp on the meat of the story. It's definitely a little easier now that I'm focusing on just one story.

Nite ya'll...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Rest of Forever teaser

Before he could enact whatever sneakiness he had planned, I leapt onto him. He rolled onto his back and I was on top of him straddling his waist. ‘Yes,’ I thought to myself, ‘this is where I want to be.’ I could feel that he was just as excited as I was and I rubbed myself into him. I grabbed his arms and pushed them above his head and tried to hold them there as I kissed him hard. He was pushing his arms against my hands, making it clear that he was still stronger than I was. But, he decided to let me have my way. I pushed all of my body against his. I wanted to feel every inch of him. I began kissing and biting his lips. Eric pulled away and then I paused. I tasted something absolutely exquisite and I wanted more of it.

Man of Honor ch 10 teaser

I say his name, softly at first. He doesn’t hear me so I say it louder. He turns to face me and grins over at me. His smile alone makes me wet. I ask him to come here and he laughs out loud as he slowly makes his way through the open doorway. I blink and he’s crawling on the bed with a mischievous grin spread across his gorgeously scruffy face. I roll over to my other side so that he can nestle in behind me and spoon.

hmmmm... what do you think?

My writing...

Well... my kids are on summer vacation and to say they are putting a drain on my creativity would be an understatement. I can't focus. I can't feel my characters. It's frustrating... ugggg!

I am slowly, but steadily working on Chapter 10 of Man of Honor. It's a difficult chapter on many levels and I'm just really having a hard time staying focused on it. The ending is already written and it's outlined really well... it's just that the words aren't coming. I'm probably a third of the way done at this point. I am going to work on it as much as I can today and I hope to post tonight.

We leave for a small vacation on Thursday and will be in the car for 6 hours. I really hope to be able to write for most of the trip. So, if I don't get it posted tonight, I should be able to by Friday or Saturday. Well... that's the plan anyway...

For my Memories fans... I'm sorry I had to end it where I did. But, I had already gone past the point that I had initially intended to go and writing off the cuff was really difficult for me and those particular characters.

A couple of nights ago, I sat down to try and outline a sequel for Memories and it came a lot easier than I had anticipated. I have 15 chapters outlined, although I need to straighten out the last three a little better. I have already decided on the title... The Rest of Forever. I am not sure when I am going to start writing TRoF. But, I do know that I will not publish the first chapter until I have 5 under my belt. I feel like my writing suffers when I am under the pressure of weekly updates. Don't misunderstand... I will be updating weekly... once I have some some chapters written and edited and hopefully, pre-read. I just don't like the pressure of writing for the update deadline... it doesn't help me or my writing.

I want to thank you all for your great ideas and inspiration. I really appreciate everyone's support. You SVM readers rock the reviews... Love ya!

I have had so many reviews telling me to take my time and that you appreciate quality over quantity. Thank you so much for taking the pressure off.
